life is a blur. one simple blink and you might just miss it. I remember kindergarten when I couldn`t wait to grow up and be like the cool kids so I would close my eyes and dream and when I opened them I was there in the second grade, but I was still me.
Life was way too slow, it felt like someone had put me on the creepy small world ride at disney land, but dang no I wanna be on the space mountain ride!
Swarmed with anger I clenched my fists and "blink"
fifth grade, I meet my greatest friend of all time and sports is life.
I`m out playing touch football with my friends I`m wide open for the big touchdown throw, it`s all coming in slow motion right into the path of the sun it goes and I cant help but to "blink"
.Its eighth grade, coach wants me to try for the basketball team next year, I already have a guaranteed spot on the tennis team. Life is pretty good I have my group of friends and I`ve started to get to know the girls pretty well, mom walks up. the truck is packed and we`re ready to go. Tears are welling up but I`m a man I gotta hold them back so I "blink".
Utah, 9th grade why aren`t I in high school? I go quiet, I stop playing, my grades drop down to meet with my moral this sucks why am I here "blink".
look up end of sophomore year I have a group of guys with me, look down look back up again suddenly my man steve is on a horse in the parking lot, must be senior year. I know a lot of people who knows how many actually know me who cares? less worry more courage. blink,
college suddenly I`m on my own I have to forge my own path I have to pay for the tools to do so, my backpack is getting heavy "blink"
mid 30`s I'm married have a few kids and cant tell if I live to work or work to live this computer sucks my job sucks the dang cable is on the fritz again ugh "blink"
50`s. kids are going to college the house is getting larger but my hair seems to be shrinking "blink" 65 I cant figure out how to get the dang printer to work, the kids don`t visit me It`s just me and my wife "blink".
80's I`m alone. nurses everywhere but they`re only there to get me my stupid prune juice, otherwise I might just pop from the pressure build up it hurts to get up I "blink".
I don`t know how old I am everything is white I look at the ceiling I can see me, and all that I missed in between the blinks.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Sunday, May 15, 2016
its past and gone
I remember wall ball
I remember my dads weekly softball games
I remember my first car, A gold Ford Ranger with a cupped tire that vibrated the car when you hit 40 to 45 mph.
I remember my GTT class
I remember when somebody set off fireworks on the school bus
I remember Lake grapevine
I remember the color of the morning in Texas waiting for the bus, It was dark but not black, but more of a purple tint
I remember six flags over Texas
I remember when a girl asked me out and the relief on her face when I said no because she lost a bet.
I remember the first time I saw Ron Swanson
I remember Branson Missouri
I remember hillbilly Bob
I remember my 8th grade history class, most of those kids will probably serve jail time
I remember when people used to read each others blogs
I remember when my space was the shiz
I remember my first fight, The coach caught me before i beat the bad ideas out of him
I remember when popularity was determined by how fast you could run
I remember when I used to bark at people as I drove by, that was yesterday
I remember my first and only time going up to lake powell
I remember when I wanted the future to come faster
I remember when life was considered to be, overall, fun
I remember my dads weekly softball games
I remember my first car, A gold Ford Ranger with a cupped tire that vibrated the car when you hit 40 to 45 mph.
I remember my GTT class
I remember when somebody set off fireworks on the school bus
I remember Lake grapevine
I remember the color of the morning in Texas waiting for the bus, It was dark but not black, but more of a purple tint
I remember six flags over Texas
I remember when a girl asked me out and the relief on her face when I said no because she lost a bet.
I remember the first time I saw Ron Swanson
I remember Branson Missouri
I remember hillbilly Bob
I remember my 8th grade history class, most of those kids will probably serve jail time
I remember when people used to read each others blogs
I remember when my space was the shiz
I remember my first fight, The coach caught me before i beat the bad ideas out of him
I remember when popularity was determined by how fast you could run
I remember when I used to bark at people as I drove by, that was yesterday
I remember my first and only time going up to lake powell
I remember when I wanted the future to come faster
I remember when life was considered to be, overall, fun
Sunday, May 8, 2016
blue ticket
My word was opened, watch this amazing video and I promise you will be uplifted. just copy the link and put it in the URL bar thingy my computer is trash
Sunday, April 24, 2016
the tongues of music
On my little heart paper I put music on it because that`s the best way my heart and I communicate, And our conversations can be summed up into two songs:
Sunday, April 17, 2016
He hasn't changed a bit
I don`t know about you people but growing up, I always thought that if the person I`m talking to is older than me, or even the same age as me, I figured they knew more than me and I shouldn`t really try to correct them unless its absolutely necessary and I`m 100% sure I`m correct. That all changed last August. My dad and I went to Juneau Alaska, which is where my dad grew up, So naturally we went to go visit some of his old high school friends. Most of the people he introduced me to seemed to be fairly normal people, but the last one we went to see was a whole other story. For a reason that you`ll probably figure out in a bit I`m gonna call him Dwight, like from the office. My dad had told me before we went to his house some stories about this man, and from these stories I found he was not the brightest high schooler you could`ve met. So we go into his guys house and he lets us into his house, he seems like a normal guy, and about 30 minutes into the conversation he says, " hey mike I need to tell you a story!" so he starts to tell us this story and it starts out like this, this guy Dwight is out duck hunting so hes got his shotgun over his shoulder and hes just about to cross this creek, and this creek was covered in dead fish along the edges for who knows why, and he sees this eagle. It had completely gorged itself from all the free fish and it had eaten so much that it was so bloated it just couldn`t even move. So it was on its back with its talons pointed straight up into the air as a last defense or something. This guy thought it was so cool that he got to be this close to wild eagle and he wanted to pick it up, so he stuck the barrel of his gun into the eagles claws and the thing clamped on immediately, which took him by surprise. So hes hefting this eagle up and trying to shake it off but it was a stubborn little thing. Finally after a good few shakes the eagle finally let go off the barrel and back onto its back. Well not noticing what had just happened he thinks, "hey I`ve got a heavy coat on and a pretty thick shirt underneath... and I`ve always wanted to hold an eagle..." now before we go any further squeeze your hand as hard as possible, the average adult human can create 40 psi of pressure an eagle can create, and get this, 400 psi of pressure. This dudes next move is to stick his hand into the talons of the eagle. Right as he said this my dad yells, "Dwight what the crap were you thinking?" and he yells, I don`t know i just did it I thought the shirt was thick enough!" but this bird had latched itself onto his arm without hesitation. immediately he starts screaming and hes trying to get this bird off his arm so hes banging it against rocks but it just wouldn't let go. so finally he shoves the birds head underwater and starts to drown it. and he said after about a minute or a minute and a half he pulls the thing back up and he hears it still gargling so puts it back under until it lets go, and he killed it. Now I`m thinking to myself what kind of college student was this guy? Right then ,y dad asks, "how long ago was this?" Dwight answers, "Eh...maybe two years ago."
HERE THIS GUY IS IN HIS LATE TO MID 40`S AND HE DOES THIS?! he drowned the national bird!
I left that place with a whole new outlook on these older people that "know more than me" My dad gets in the car with me and go`s, "You know I should've seen that coming he hasn't changed a bit."
HERE THIS GUY IS IN HIS LATE TO MID 40`S AND HE DOES THIS?! he drowned the national bird!
I left that place with a whole new outlook on these older people that "know more than me" My dad gets in the car with me and go`s, "You know I should've seen that coming he hasn't changed a bit."
Monday, April 11, 2016
Yep, me
So sorry I`m not doing a big video or anything, I didnt have the time, which is a totally different story, but I feel like for the reveal people are really scared to show who they are because they didnt put a filter on their writing but honestly this is the easiest post I`ve had to do. Its senior year I`m going away here in just mere months so meh. I probably won`t see any of you people again. Ugh seriously I`m really sorry this stinks so bad, you know what I`ll just give you the quick version. Long story short my family hit me with a trip to Phoenix Arizona and got back late Sunday night, went and did some calculus homework and while doing that, I may have fallen asleep on the table. But that`s ok because I`m here now and somehow typing, I honestly do not know how but I am.
Anyway, the name. I`m just some average dude I don`t even talk that much but I`m Colton Eakins, I`ve had a blogging issue for about ten weeks now. You may know me by the guy with the tiger fanny pack and I wish you had one. But again sorrry I`ll follow with a good video on my life or something later deal? And uh here is my face in case you need to know.
Anyway, the name. I`m just some average dude I don`t even talk that much but I`m Colton Eakins, I`ve had a blogging issue for about ten weeks now. You may know me by the guy with the tiger fanny pack and I wish you had one. But again sorrry I`ll follow with a good video on my life or something later deal? And uh here is my face in case you need to know.
Its of me majestically cleaning a window...Its the only picture on here that partially shows my face, welcome to my life.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
love hate relationships
-I love to hate -I love the taste of icecream
but hate that I can`t love But hate how it makes me sick
-I love being alone -I love talking
but hate being lonely but hate speaking
-I hate humans -I hate noise
but love people but love sounds
-I love going unnoticed -I hate being alive
but hate being ignored but love to live
-I love the feel of running -I love to give
but hate to feel the run but hate to lose
-I love finishing -I love to be hugged
but hate to be done but hate to be touched
-I love writing -I love new
but hate to write but hate change
-I love to jump -I love to be me
but hate to fall but hate me
-I love sleeping -I love to buy
but hate being tired but hate to spend
-I love you -I love thoughts
but hate the way you act but hate thinking
-I love to travel -I love cleanliness
but hate being away from home but hate cleaning
-I love learning -I love to see
but hate school but hate looking
-I love to find -I love flying
but hate searching but i hate landing
-I love these blogs -I love being seen
but i hate to post but hate being noticed
-I love being open -I love dreams
but hate exposure but hate wishes
-I love weekends -I love to help
but hate the weekdays but hate the fact that we have to help
but I can`t have one without the other
Sunday, March 20, 2016
what I fear most
If you ever want to know how to be human the first step is to fear
things I fear most
I`m afraid of failing a class, that keeps me from going out with friends but moves me to try my hardest in that class
I`m afraid of police...I got nothing for that they just scare the crap out of me
heights, they hold me back from skydiving and stuff but its keeping me from getting too close to a ledge
police, It keeps me from.... liking cops? but it propels me to be a good person so there is no reason to taze me, I may have done questionable things in my past but I still consider myself a good human.
fear of horses, prevent me from riding horses but it also prevents me from walking up to one and then getting KICKED IN THE FACE! Its happened before people!
fears hold us back but I`m glad they exist, they`re the reason I am still alive and work hard to get what I want and need.
Some fears are unnecessary though, fearing what people think about what you wear today is just not needed. who cares what other people think about your outfit? You could look like a wrinkly dog that is going through a hangover but still climb timp! Your outfit does not effect who you are or what you can do, those are the fears we need to get rid of.
Now I`m going to give you some steps on how to not care about what others think of you
step one: think "who cares?"
step two: wear something considered "stupid"
step three: strut your stuff if you look confident people will compliment your look
step four: do whatever the crap you want because you know that all those other people staring are really just totes jelly of you.
Congrats your a legend! Its that easy we should all do this!
things I fear most
- failing a class
- police
- heights
- losing a family member
- public speaking
- not getting a good career
- failing college
- things I don`t know how to do
- growing up
- horses
- people talking behind my back
- etc.
I`m afraid of failing a class, that keeps me from going out with friends but moves me to try my hardest in that class
I`m afraid of police...I got nothing for that they just scare the crap out of me
heights, they hold me back from skydiving and stuff but its keeping me from getting too close to a ledge
police, It keeps me from.... liking cops? but it propels me to be a good person so there is no reason to taze me, I may have done questionable things in my past but I still consider myself a good human.
fear of horses, prevent me from riding horses but it also prevents me from walking up to one and then getting KICKED IN THE FACE! Its happened before people!
fears hold us back but I`m glad they exist, they`re the reason I am still alive and work hard to get what I want and need.
Some fears are unnecessary though, fearing what people think about what you wear today is just not needed. who cares what other people think about your outfit? You could look like a wrinkly dog that is going through a hangover but still climb timp! Your outfit does not effect who you are or what you can do, those are the fears we need to get rid of.
Now I`m going to give you some steps on how to not care about what others think of you
step one: think "who cares?"
step two: wear something considered "stupid"
step three: strut your stuff if you look confident people will compliment your look
step four: do whatever the crap you want because you know that all those other people staring are really just totes jelly of you.
Congrats your a legend! Its that easy we should all do this!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
how to be human
With this post I feel like everybody is going to post something along the lines of,
people suck
or no hope in the human race
or in order to be human you have to be stupid
but I`m going to go a different way
Humans are incredible,
look around you
we have created building with triple digit floor levels
we can move at 200 mph by moving our foot down a couple of inches
people have traveled oceans
I was on a plane once and a man was complaining about the human race because they didn`t have wifi on the plane......
we were literally 10,000 feet in the air traveling who knows how fast
if anybody wants to know how to be human I have no idea
You have to be able to think so deep that the human brain cannot comprehend what you are thinking about
You have to realize the greatness of the world around you in nature
but you have to take most of what you have for granted
Humans are great we think freely
we create, imagine, we`re practically limitless.
but i don`t know humans are complicated, just ask anybody who has tried to understand the opposite gender.
people suck
or no hope in the human race
or in order to be human you have to be stupid
but I`m going to go a different way
Humans are incredible,
look around you
we have created building with triple digit floor levels
we can move at 200 mph by moving our foot down a couple of inches
people have traveled oceans
I was on a plane once and a man was complaining about the human race because they didn`t have wifi on the plane......
we were literally 10,000 feet in the air traveling who knows how fast
if anybody wants to know how to be human I have no idea
You have to be able to think so deep that the human brain cannot comprehend what you are thinking about
You have to realize the greatness of the world around you in nature
but you have to take most of what you have for granted
Humans are great we think freely
we create, imagine, we`re practically limitless.
but i don`t know humans are complicated, just ask anybody who has tried to understand the opposite gender.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
money problems
Imagine a world where money didn't exist,
A place where currency wasn't needed,
imagine a place where we worked not because of money,
but because people needed us to,
a place where somebody built my house because i needed a new one,
and I did what I love for a job at no cost because that`s the norm,
a place where everything ran smoothly without currency,
the perfect system,
but its impossible,
because there is always,
everything wrong with today`s world.
I wish I could live in the perfect system,
where I could pick a career because its what I love and not because of the pay,
where I didn`t have to hold tight to my childhood and cower from adulthood,
but carry both because i have two hands,
and these two hands can do incredible things if i love what I`m doing,
but I`m restricted,
because while one hand may be working hard the other has to grasp for money,
flipping patty's for 3,600 seconds in one hand,
and coming up with a little more than $7 in the other,
which is upsetting because I`m not even doing what I want to do,
I don`t want to cook,
I want to build,
I want to create something noticeable and noteworthy,
I would be much more productive if I actually did what I`m good at,
and learned what I need, and am interested in,
because school says color inside the lines,
but life says think outside the box,
and common core is the most productive teaching method,
but I think I can speak for majority of the human race when I say that I am not a common thing,
because once I am gone there is no recovery,
because my parents had a 1 in 15 billion chance of creating me,
but then my grandparents creating my dad to then create me is 1 in 144,000 (plus 15 zeros),
and what if we went beck to the beginning of mankind?
I have a 0% chance of existing but I am definitely here,
and because I happen to be here on a 0% chance I want to use this opportunity 100% to its fullest,
now if you`ll excuse me I gotta go to work,
because I need the money.
A place where currency wasn't needed,
imagine a place where we worked not because of money,
but because people needed us to,
a place where somebody built my house because i needed a new one,
and I did what I love for a job at no cost because that`s the norm,
a place where everything ran smoothly without currency,
the perfect system,
but its impossible,
because there is always,
everything wrong with today`s world.
I wish I could live in the perfect system,
where I could pick a career because its what I love and not because of the pay,
where I didn`t have to hold tight to my childhood and cower from adulthood,
but carry both because i have two hands,
and these two hands can do incredible things if i love what I`m doing,
but I`m restricted,
because while one hand may be working hard the other has to grasp for money,
flipping patty's for 3,600 seconds in one hand,
and coming up with a little more than $7 in the other,
which is upsetting because I`m not even doing what I want to do,
I don`t want to cook,
I want to build,
I want to create something noticeable and noteworthy,
I would be much more productive if I actually did what I`m good at,
and learned what I need, and am interested in,
because school says color inside the lines,
but life says think outside the box,
and common core is the most productive teaching method,
but I think I can speak for majority of the human race when I say that I am not a common thing,
because once I am gone there is no recovery,
because my parents had a 1 in 15 billion chance of creating me,
but then my grandparents creating my dad to then create me is 1 in 144,000 (plus 15 zeros),
and what if we went beck to the beginning of mankind?
I have a 0% chance of existing but I am definitely here,
and because I happen to be here on a 0% chance I want to use this opportunity 100% to its fullest,
now if you`ll excuse me I gotta go to work,
because I need the money.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
I wish I were a panda...
Sometimes a really wish I were a panda.
All pandas have to do is sit around all day and eat their freaking kangaroos, or bamboo, see the beauty in not backspacing?
But anyway I want to be like Po from Kung Fu Panda, He just magically gets picked to do his most favorite thing in the world without an ounce of experience and yet he just kind of learns it all. Can I get some of that?!?!?!?!?!?!? Not only that but he keeps his humor in all situations and everybody loves him, and lets not forget he is a master at Kung-Fu! I wanna skadoosh my enemies...
But you know here I am having to learn everything like a human or something.
I wanna be like a panda and just sleep on a tree branch and then eat till I`m tired and sleep till I`m hungry. And when I`m old enough and have the money to do it I`m going to hang a hammock across the corner of my room then cover that corner of the room with sand and paint where the hooks are with palm trees, I don't know why I brought that up but sleeping on a tree branch reminded me of that dream.
But other than that don't you just love panda bears? I love pandas I just wanna hug one when I see it. But that's about all I got for now I needed something for the blog so I just started typing about the first thing in my mind. You know what else I like? I like the really wrinkly dogs. You should look up Shar Pei puppies. I love those little guys!!!! only the gray ones though its really the only color that works with them. I just wanna grab a handful of their flab and be with it all day! And I don't know how they breath with all that fat because I feel like the flab would get in front of their nose and just stuff it and then they would only be able to breath through their mouth but that only adds to their awesomeness!! I`ve gone really off course but that's ok the point of this blog is to vent really!
All pandas have to do is sit around all day and eat their freaking kangaroos, or bamboo, see the beauty in not backspacing?
But anyway I want to be like Po from Kung Fu Panda, He just magically gets picked to do his most favorite thing in the world without an ounce of experience and yet he just kind of learns it all. Can I get some of that?!?!?!?!?!?!? Not only that but he keeps his humor in all situations and everybody loves him, and lets not forget he is a master at Kung-Fu! I wanna skadoosh my enemies...
But you know here I am having to learn everything like a human or something.
I wanna be like a panda and just sleep on a tree branch and then eat till I`m tired and sleep till I`m hungry. And when I`m old enough and have the money to do it I`m going to hang a hammock across the corner of my room then cover that corner of the room with sand and paint where the hooks are with palm trees, I don't know why I brought that up but sleeping on a tree branch reminded me of that dream.
But other than that don't you just love panda bears? I love pandas I just wanna hug one when I see it. But that's about all I got for now I needed something for the blog so I just started typing about the first thing in my mind. You know what else I like? I like the really wrinkly dogs. You should look up Shar Pei puppies. I love those little guys!!!! only the gray ones though its really the only color that works with them. I just wanna grab a handful of their flab and be with it all day! And I don't know how they breath with all that fat because I feel like the flab would get in front of their nose and just stuff it and then they would only be able to breath through their mouth but that only adds to their awesomeness!! I`ve gone really off course but that's ok the point of this blog is to vent really!
Live long and be a panda!!!!!!
personality colors
I feel like every color has a personality, and I know there's like a science to it or something, but I'm gonna label each color the way I feel it should be labeled.
Blue: it seems quiet and more reserved to me, almost shy but cool-headed
red: this is your lunatic, the weird outgoing one that's fun at party's
yellow: This is the peppy person that always has a bounce in their step, and I don't know why but the color yellow really bugs me.
green: this is the laid back "cool kid" always chill you know.
pink: the immature color, the one that brings back those fourth grade come backs.
orange: your welcoming kind person that you like to be around.
brown: awkward, that is the only personality I put on this one, I have a lot of brown in my life...
purple: the fake try hards, this is the color that tries to impress people.... sometimes I wish this "color" would just eat dirt while it tries to be cool.
Now I'm going to go through a few personalities I go through in different situations:
Me in your average public place:
Me with friends:
Me around a beautiful person:
what I like to think my true personality is:
I think I`m being I bit gracious to myself there though...
Then there`s how I imagine Mr. Nelson:
There is no pattern to that man
Sometimes we forget, but oh the things you can do with
Blue: it seems quiet and more reserved to me, almost shy but cool-headed
red: this is your lunatic, the weird outgoing one that's fun at party's
yellow: This is the peppy person that always has a bounce in their step, and I don't know why but the color yellow really bugs me.
green: this is the laid back "cool kid" always chill you know.
pink: the immature color, the one that brings back those fourth grade come backs.
orange: your welcoming kind person that you like to be around.
brown: awkward, that is the only personality I put on this one, I have a lot of brown in my life...
purple: the fake try hards, this is the color that tries to impress people.... sometimes I wish this "color" would just eat dirt while it tries to be cool.
Now I'm going to go through a few personalities I go through in different situations:
Me in your average public place:
Me with friends:
Me around a beautiful person:
what I like to think my true personality is:
I think I`m being I bit gracious to myself there though...
Then there`s how I imagine Mr. Nelson:
There is no pattern to that man
Sometimes we forget, but oh the things you can do with
Sunday, February 21, 2016
late nights
Late nights are THE best. My mind is all screwy and my body starts taking on weird shapes and positions because of the exhaustion and excitement of staying up late. I always feel like during the day and through school my mind is just filled with expectations and deadlines, but at night my mind is finally open.
Is just a picture of another lake to some people, but to me this picture is amazing because that is the area that some of my greatest memories were created. So write whatever who cares? There` seven billion people on this earth at least one guy has got to like it I mean c`mon.
Nothing but the moon and its stars can see me in the dead of night.
Nights the only time I'm able to think without influence, dream without judgement, and remember in silence. As a kid I didn't like the dark all too much. I saw creatures come out of my closets and look me right in the eyes but I was taught that it was just my imagination nd it wasn't real, they sure seemed real, and I`m told that if I try hard enough I can control my dreams, but I always seemed to be one step ahead of myself and the control would always backfire into some new challenge.
but now I accept the dark and the creatures that roam throughout it. Nothing could hurt me when I'm alone in the night, life is too amused by the perfect scenarios I run through my head that my expected self knows will never happen, And death is too scared of what I might be able to achieve in that state of mind.
I mean given all I do in the dark is sleep, read, think, and the occasional past dwelling but that doesn't matter....death is constantly afraid of my hugeness anyway.
sometimes the best way to get to know a person is to view their night side, when they seem they`re on drugs but they`re just tired, that happens to me a lot, and some of a persons best writing can come from the night.
Just put down whatever seems to come through your open mind, and never backspace! even for those spelling errors. Maybe whatever picture you paint is trash to you, who cares one mans trash is another mans treasure, this picture

build a brick wall
Bricks have so many purposes that we could use them for, but people seem to be too afraid to do anything
out of the ordinary
lets go through some of the things I may or may not want to do with a brick.
out of the ordinary
lets go through some of the things I may or may not want to do with a brick.
- tape it to my chest and tell someone to punch it so I can prove I have rock hard abs, but if you saw me taping a brick to my chest what would you think? that's why I don't, amongst other reasons but that contributes.
- sometimes throw it at people, I think we know why I can't do that one.
- throw it off of something really tall and watch it blow up, there's really nothing stopping me on that one I just haven't found the time or place yet.
- paint it gold and tell national geographic I found the biggest golden nugget ever. I may get in trouble for that one.
- extreme Jenga! I don't know about you but I just need the bricks for that one I don't care what anybody else thinks.
So why cant I do some of these things and others that I didn't put down? because of other people. Imagine the fun we could have if we all had our own abandoned town to mess with. I would find the nicest car and drive wherever, shoot a bug with a shotgun because why not? destroy a bunch of random stuff using different methods, rob a bank, cover myself in a ton of bubble wrap and run as fast as I can into a brick wall, the options are endless.
but you know what fear of others slow us down we need to just be like this guy
build a mobile brick wall and not care about what others think we do with our life, why not? the first step is this blog.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
gosh I hate adulting
I am 17 years old and turn 18 here pretty soon, where has the time gone? one day I was chillin in my diapers making everybody do the work for me, the next I have to pay for gas. I don't think I'm ready for that big of a step.
I don't want to have to make my own dentist appointments one day what do I even say to the man? Hey what`s up doc? The other day I went up to my mom and said, "hey mama I need some more underwear." and you know what she said? she said, "well then go get some."
Your officially an adult when you gotta buy your own tighty whiteys.
I don`t want to leave high school and end up in my 60`s or something and say, "yep those were the glory days." in my raggedy old man voice! gross! Nothing scares me more than having to run into the gaping jaws of self-reliability and gut-punch of student loans.
straight up
the future is terrifying
but nothing is more exciting then the future parties I'm gonna have in college, the people im gonna meet the things I'm gonna learn. Nothing sounds cooler than being able to do everything on my own for once, and make my own decisions I cant wait for my terrifying future. So I`m going to sincerely hug my high school life and then trip into my scary exciting future.
Love is a group text message
Love is ridiculous! love makes me feel like I can live life without worries sometimes.
Other times it makes me feel like I just pooped my pants and I`m doomed to waddle until I can clean myself up.
But most the time I don't even know its there.
Like if a person liked me I would never notice. Unless they just waddled on up to me, slapped me across the face and screamed, "I LIKE YOU, YOU FREAKING MUFFIN MAULER!"
but seriously these "hints" people do, no no honey that don't work boys are stupid they no understand.
But even after writing this we all know I`m not gonna try telling them straight up. But here`s a little poem,
Why love is like a group text message
love is a group text message, why?
because a group text message never go's away,
its constantly going off every two seconds,
making the room sound like an aviary if you have the tweet ringtone,
you have no control over it,
and you are 100% at the mercy of the other screen tappers,
but its such a party,
never do you feel better about yourself when all those birds start chirpin around other friends,
and they just think, "wow this kid has it all together",
but does it always stay that way-NO, flippin no!
sometimes those screen tappers go and do things with other humans!
then all you can think is "dang wish I was them",
then while they rant on about it you`re left there like a soggy pancake,
and nobody wants a soggy pancake,
but if you keep trying someone is bound to respond to you.
that's it so live long and love lots
Other times it makes me feel like I just pooped my pants and I`m doomed to waddle until I can clean myself up.
But most the time I don't even know its there.
Like if a person liked me I would never notice. Unless they just waddled on up to me, slapped me across the face and screamed, "I LIKE YOU, YOU FREAKING MUFFIN MAULER!"
but seriously these "hints" people do, no no honey that don't work boys are stupid they no understand.
But even after writing this we all know I`m not gonna try telling them straight up. But here`s a little poem,
Why love is like a group text message
love is a group text message, why?
because a group text message never go's away,
its constantly going off every two seconds,
making the room sound like an aviary if you have the tweet ringtone,
you have no control over it,
and you are 100% at the mercy of the other screen tappers,
but its such a party,
never do you feel better about yourself when all those birds start chirpin around other friends,
and they just think, "wow this kid has it all together",
but does it always stay that way-NO, flippin no!
sometimes those screen tappers go and do things with other humans!
then all you can think is "dang wish I was them",
then while they rant on about it you`re left there like a soggy pancake,
and nobody wants a soggy pancake,
but if you keep trying someone is bound to respond to you.
that's it so live long and love lots
Sunday, February 7, 2016
A good ol` fashion story time
I legitimately don't know what to do with my life/blog right now so I`m just going to tell you a story and hopefully you learn a lesson from it. In my introduction post I said I had a story, well this is that story.
Once upon a time a friend and I had just finished hanging with other fellow comrades when a genius thought came to us. Because I had cardboard in my hand, don't ask questions, me and my friend decided to do a harmless joke to a passerby. The idea was to pretend like we were throwing something at the next car to drive by. Before I get into this I`m going to call my friend "Wesley" for obvious reasons.
So after we had come up with this great plan we waited for a car. Now let it be known it was probably 11:30 to 11:45 at night so there weren't very many people out and about, but one car was coming our way.
Now some more detail about the area, we were at the intersection on a hill, and at the top of said hill there was a small park on the right side, and a trail to empty land on the left side, and a couple houses lining the road until that point.
So this car was coming down the road and it turned out to be this really nice Audi, and we started to pretend to throw things at this nice car, ready to run because you always have to be ready to run when your a teenager and doing a prank, So we start doing the throwing motion with our arms to put it simply, but I wasn't just throwing... I was going ham, which may explain the next part. But this guy hits the brakes...hard. The only thing I remember coming out of my mouth were two simple words, "Oh crap". After I had said that majestic phrase me and Wesley panicked a little bit, so we started tearing cheek up the hill to get to open ground because that is the safe haven he cant use his car in the wilderness and I knew if I could just outrun Wesley I would be safe. But this guy turned his car around and punched it, and he obviously picked me as the target because he went for me even though I was running much faster than Wesley. And as soon as I try to cross the last driveway before the safe haven, This TURD MUNCHER just pulls into the drive at like 30 miles per hour and came so close to me that I think I yelped. And I would like to say that I did a ninja flip over the front of his car but I didn't I just ran around it and kept going, but I did make it to the safe haven of the park on the right side! Where he began the pursuit on foot! I heard him get out of the car and chase me, and I could here his kaki pant legs brush past each other while he ran and they were brushing at a fast pace which meant he was really tearing cheek but he did not have the absolute fear that I had in me so I did in fact tear more cheek than him. Then through a miracle he stopped running before I ate turf and He yelled, "YOU STUPID KIDS!" But that's it really, I met up with Wesley who went who knows where, he still hasn't told me where on the planet mars he went, but I told him my near death experienced and then we laughed went home and vowed to probably never do that again. So there you have it the lesson is don't do what we did we are stupid don't follow our example that was dumb. but it makes a good story, anyway, live long and don`t get hit by cars.
Once upon a time a friend and I had just finished hanging with other fellow comrades when a genius thought came to us. Because I had cardboard in my hand, don't ask questions, me and my friend decided to do a harmless joke to a passerby. The idea was to pretend like we were throwing something at the next car to drive by. Before I get into this I`m going to call my friend "Wesley" for obvious reasons.
So after we had come up with this great plan we waited for a car. Now let it be known it was probably 11:30 to 11:45 at night so there weren't very many people out and about, but one car was coming our way.
Now some more detail about the area, we were at the intersection on a hill, and at the top of said hill there was a small park on the right side, and a trail to empty land on the left side, and a couple houses lining the road until that point.
So this car was coming down the road and it turned out to be this really nice Audi, and we started to pretend to throw things at this nice car, ready to run because you always have to be ready to run when your a teenager and doing a prank, So we start doing the throwing motion with our arms to put it simply, but I wasn't just throwing... I was going ham, which may explain the next part. But this guy hits the brakes...hard. The only thing I remember coming out of my mouth were two simple words, "Oh crap". After I had said that majestic phrase me and Wesley panicked a little bit, so we started tearing cheek up the hill to get to open ground because that is the safe haven he cant use his car in the wilderness and I knew if I could just outrun Wesley I would be safe. But this guy turned his car around and punched it, and he obviously picked me as the target because he went for me even though I was running much faster than Wesley. And as soon as I try to cross the last driveway before the safe haven, This TURD MUNCHER just pulls into the drive at like 30 miles per hour and came so close to me that I think I yelped. And I would like to say that I did a ninja flip over the front of his car but I didn't I just ran around it and kept going, but I did make it to the safe haven of the park on the right side! Where he began the pursuit on foot! I heard him get out of the car and chase me, and I could here his kaki pant legs brush past each other while he ran and they were brushing at a fast pace which meant he was really tearing cheek but he did not have the absolute fear that I had in me so I did in fact tear more cheek than him. Then through a miracle he stopped running before I ate turf and He yelled, "YOU STUPID KIDS!" But that's it really, I met up with Wesley who went who knows where, he still hasn't told me where on the planet mars he went, but I told him my near death experienced and then we laughed went home and vowed to probably never do that again. So there you have it the lesson is don't do what we did we are stupid don't follow our example that was dumb. but it makes a good story, anyway, live long and don`t get hit by cars.
I was told to make a blog post about hats! I have a hard time coming up for possible blog posts and then turning them into published posts, but now I gotta come up with something about hats! I will attempt nonetheless.
To be honest I am not a fan of hats. I prefer to let my luscious locks flow in the wind, and let the cool breeze brush over my scalp to give me a sense of true freedom... but you know not everybody feels that way. Walking down the halls of this dysfunctionaly small school I see hats of all kinds, I see baseball caps, the snapbacks, cowboy hats, the hats without the top part of it, blue hats, red hats, hats I didn't even know existed, hats that I believe shouldn't exist, their everywhere, an the purpose of hats has changed.
Hats used to be used to keep the sun out of your eyes. Some man probably got sick of holding his arm up one day and then had the idea to put something on his head to block the sun, genius! Now they`re not. Have you ever seen that one really smart guy that hooks his snapback to his pants and then when he walks outside he covers his eyes with his hands and complains about how bright it is?
Sometimes I fear for our generation.
If you have a hat on your pants and it is sunny outside, prepare for this this may blow a few minds, put that hat on your head the flat part that sticks out will block the sun. I know a couple of you just stopped treading cause you passed out but its true. I`m going to end the post here not only because of the traumatic experience some of you just had but mostly because I don't know what else to say so live long and prosper.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
who am I?
Who am I? You wanna know who I am? Well that sucks because I`m suppose to be anonymous so whats up. Warning to those who may actually read this, which is probably few, you`re going to get to know the true me which is something most people are either:
- afraid of
- wierded out by
- or absolutely freaking love
Sometimes I just do "different" things in front of total strangers like if i`m gonna moon walk down the Walmart isles then dang nabbit imma moon walk and you better compliment me on how well i can, or if i`m doing something stupid from your point of view just watch as a spectator don`t even say anything
the best way to learn is trial by fire. (I have a story about that but maybe another time)
another thing just to finish off my little short post, if what I do is "wrong" or "mean" or even "just downright cruel" I`m still gonna do it cause i wanna. Unless, you know I like you, then i might not... at least, not while your looking.

another thing just to finish off my little short post, if what I do is "wrong" or "mean" or even "just downright cruel" I`m still gonna do it cause i wanna. Unless, you know I like you, then i might not... at least, not while your looking.

"pity the fool that
reads this I will"
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