Sunday, March 13, 2016

how to be human

With this post I feel like everybody is going to post something along the lines of,
people suck
or no hope in the human race
or in order to be human you have to be stupid
but I`m going to go a different way

Humans are incredible,
look around you
we have created building with triple digit floor levels
we can move at 200 mph by moving our foot down a couple of inches
people have traveled oceans
I was on a plane once and a man was complaining about the human race because they didn`t have wifi on the plane......
we were literally 10,000 feet in the air traveling who knows how fast
if anybody wants to know how to be human I have no idea
You have to be able to think so deep that the human brain cannot comprehend what you are thinking about
You have to realize the greatness of the world around you in nature
but you have to take most of what you have for granted
Humans are great we think freely
we create, imagine, we`re practically limitless.
but i don`t know humans are complicated, just ask anybody who has tried to understand the opposite gender.


  1. the part about the plane is so good. it made me think

  2. "people have traveled oceans"
    This was way interesting and I really liked it.
