Love is ridiculous! love makes me feel like I can live life without worries sometimes.
Other times it makes me feel like I just pooped my pants and I`m doomed to waddle until I can clean myself up.
But most the time I don't even know its there.
Like if a person liked me I would never notice. Unless they just waddled on up to me, slapped me across the face and screamed, "I LIKE YOU, YOU FREAKING MUFFIN MAULER!"
but seriously these "hints" people do, no no honey that don't work boys are stupid they no understand.
But even after writing this we all know I`m not gonna try telling them straight up. But here`s a little poem,
Why love is like a group text message
love is a group text message, why?
because a group text message never go's away,
its constantly going off every two seconds,
making the room sound like an aviary if you have the tweet ringtone,
you have no control over it,
and you are 100% at the mercy of the other screen tappers,
but its such a party,
never do you feel better about yourself when all those birds start chirpin around other friends,
and they just think, "wow this kid has it all together",
but does it always stay that way-NO, flippin no!
sometimes those screen tappers go and do things with other humans!
then all you can think is "dang wish I was them",
then while they rant on about it you`re left there like a soggy pancake,
and nobody wants a soggy pancake,
but if you keep trying someone is bound to respond to you.
that's it so live long and love lots
"Other times it makes me feel like I just pooped my pants and I`m doomed to waddle until I can clean myself up."