I was told to make a blog post about hats! I have a hard time coming up for possible blog posts and then turning them into published posts, but now I gotta come up with something about hats! I will attempt nonetheless.
To be honest I am not a fan of hats. I prefer to let my luscious locks flow in the wind, and let the cool breeze brush over my scalp to give me a sense of true freedom... but you know not everybody feels that way. Walking down the halls of this dysfunctionaly small school I see hats of all kinds, I see baseball caps, the snapbacks, cowboy hats, the hats without the top part of it, blue hats, red hats, hats I didn't even know existed, hats that I believe shouldn't exist, their everywhere, an the purpose of hats has changed.
Hats used to be used to keep the sun out of your eyes. Some man probably got sick of holding his arm up one day and then had the idea to put something on his head to block the sun, genius! Now they`re not. Have you ever seen that one really smart guy that hooks his snapback to his pants and then when he walks outside he covers his eyes with his hands and complains about how bright it is?
Sometimes I fear for our generation.
If you have a hat on your pants and it is sunny outside, prepare for this this may blow a few minds, put that hat on your head the flat part that sticks out will block the sun. I know a couple of you just stopped treading cause you passed out but its true. I`m going to end the post here not only because of the traumatic experience some of you just had but mostly because I don't know what else to say so live long and prosper.
Lol I'm afraid for this generation too