Sunday, March 27, 2016

love hate relationships

-I love to hate                                       -I love the taste of icecream
but hate that I can`t love                       But hate how it makes me sick
-I love being alone                               -I love talking
but hate being lonely                              but hate speaking
-I hate humans                                     -I hate noise
but love people                                      but love sounds
-I love going unnoticed                       -I hate being alive
but hate being ignored                          but love to live
-I love the feel of running                    -I love to give 
but hate to feel the run                          but hate to lose
-I love finishing                                    -I love to be hugged
but hate to be done                                but hate to be touched
-I love writing                                     -I love new
but hate to write                                    but hate change
-I love to jump                                    -I love to be me
but hate to fall                                      but hate me
-I love sleeping                                  -I love to buy
but hate being tired                               but hate to spend
-I love you                                           -I love thoughts
but hate the way you act                       but hate thinking
-I love to travel                                    -I love cleanliness
but hate being away from home           but hate cleaning
-I love learning                                     -I love to see
but hate school                                       but hate looking
-I love to find                                        -I love flying
but hate searching                                  but i hate landing
-I love these blogs                               -I love being seen
but i hate to post                                   but hate being noticed
-I love being open                               -I love dreams
but hate exposure                                 but hate wishes
-I love weekends                                  -I love to help                                        
 but hate the weekdays            but hate the fact that we have to help

                but I can`t have one without the other

Sunday, March 20, 2016

what I fear most

If you ever want to know how to be human the first step is to fear

things I fear most

  •  failing a class
  • police
  • heights
  • losing a family member
  • public speaking
  • not getting a good career
  • failing college
  • things I don`t know how to do
  • growing up
  •  horses
  • people talking behind my back
  • etc.
All of these things hold me back from something but propel me to do something else.
I`m afraid of failing a class, that keeps me from going out with friends but moves me to try my hardest in that class
I`m afraid of police...I got nothing for that they just scare the crap out of me
heights, they hold me back from skydiving and stuff but its keeping me from getting too close to a ledge
police, It keeps me from.... liking cops? but it propels me to be a good person so there is no reason to taze me, I may have done questionable things in my past but I still consider myself a good human.
fear of horses, prevent me from riding horses but it also prevents me from walking up to one and then getting KICKED IN THE FACE! Its happened before people!
fears hold us back but I`m glad they exist, they`re the reason I am still alive and work hard to get what I want and need.
Some fears are unnecessary though, fearing what people think about what you wear today is just not needed. who cares what other people think about your outfit? You could look like a wrinkly dog that is going through a hangover but still climb timp! Your outfit does not effect who you are or what you can do, those are the fears we need to get rid of.
Now I`m going to give you some steps on how to not care about what others think of you
step one: think "who cares?"
step two: wear something considered "stupid"
step three: strut your stuff if you look confident people will compliment your look
step four: do whatever the crap you want because you know that all those other people staring are really just totes jelly of you.
Congrats your a legend! Its that easy we should all do this!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

how to be human

With this post I feel like everybody is going to post something along the lines of,
people suck
or no hope in the human race
or in order to be human you have to be stupid
but I`m going to go a different way

Humans are incredible,
look around you
we have created building with triple digit floor levels
we can move at 200 mph by moving our foot down a couple of inches
people have traveled oceans
I was on a plane once and a man was complaining about the human race because they didn`t have wifi on the plane......
we were literally 10,000 feet in the air traveling who knows how fast
if anybody wants to know how to be human I have no idea
You have to be able to think so deep that the human brain cannot comprehend what you are thinking about
You have to realize the greatness of the world around you in nature
but you have to take most of what you have for granted
Humans are great we think freely
we create, imagine, we`re practically limitless.
but i don`t know humans are complicated, just ask anybody who has tried to understand the opposite gender.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

money problems

Imagine a world where money didn't exist,
A place where currency wasn't needed,
imagine a place where we worked not because of money,
but because people needed us to,
 a place where somebody built my house because i needed a new one,
and I did what I love for a job at no cost because that`s the norm,
a place where everything ran smoothly without currency,
the perfect system,
but its impossible,
because there is always,
everything wrong with today`s world.
I wish I could live in the perfect system,
where I could pick a career because its what I love and not because of the pay,
where I didn`t have to hold tight to my childhood and cower from adulthood,
but carry both because i have two hands,
and these two hands can do incredible things if i love what I`m doing,
but I`m restricted,
because while one hand may be working hard the other has to grasp for money,
flipping patty's for 3,600 seconds in one hand,
and coming up with a little more than $7 in the other,
which is upsetting because I`m not even doing what I want to do,
I don`t want to cook,
 I want to build,
I want to create something noticeable and noteworthy,
I would be much more productive if I actually did what I`m good at,
and learned what I need, and am interested in,
because school says color inside the lines,
but life says think outside the box,
and common core is the most productive teaching method,
but I think I can speak for majority of the human race when I say that I am not a common thing,
because once I am gone there is no recovery,
because my parents had a 1 in 15 billion chance of creating me,
but then my grandparents creating my dad to then create me is 1 in 144,000 (plus 15 zeros),
and what if we went beck to the beginning of mankind?
I have a 0% chance of existing but I am definitely here,
and because I happen to be here on a 0% chance I want to use this opportunity 100% to its fullest,
now if you`ll excuse me I gotta go to work,
because I need the money.