- afraid of
- wierded out by
- or absolutely freaking love
Sometimes I just do "different" things in front of total strangers like if i`m gonna moon walk down the Walmart isles then dang nabbit imma moon walk and you better compliment me on how well i can, or if i`m doing something stupid from your point of view just watch as a spectator don`t even say anything
the best way to learn is trial by fire. (I have a story about that but maybe another time)
another thing just to finish off my little short post, if what I do is "wrong" or "mean" or even "just downright cruel" I`m still gonna do it cause i wanna. Unless, you know I like you, then i might not... at least, not while your looking.

another thing just to finish off my little short post, if what I do is "wrong" or "mean" or even "just downright cruel" I`m still gonna do it cause i wanna. Unless, you know I like you, then i might not... at least, not while your looking.

"pity the fool that
reads this I will"